Low-Carb Cauliflower Creamed Spinach

Mmmm spinach…. I love me some spinach. My favorite way to eat my beloved spinach is creamed.

Creamed spinach, sadly, is made with flour, but fear no more, because that little fact forced us to invent this – > Low-Carb Cauliflower Creamed Spinach to the rescue!

This recipe is definitely one of my new favorites. Yes, I say that almost every time, but this time it’s more true than the other times (I may or may not say that every time too, but that’s besides the point).

Not only does it use just 5 ingredients, it only takes about 15 minutes to make. Say whaaat?! Sauté the onion in some butter until soft, and add the spinach. While that happens the cauliflower boils away for 10 minutes.

As soon as those are done, scoop them into your food processor and blitz it with some cream and butter. Stir everything together with some cheese, add more cheese on top, broil, and done! Scoop it onto your plate and enjoy!

This will be a perfect side dish since we’re expecting some wintery weather on the East Coast this weekend. The predicted weather is also bringing back some terrifying memories of our camping trip last weekend, when one night the temperature freakishly dropped and we nearly froze in our tent… 🙁 It was terrible!

Tiny House update: We officially ordered the trailer for our tiny house and it’ll be ready to be picked up in exactly 4 weeks! We can’t contain our excitement anymore ????!

We also managed to score an amazing deal on brand new windows today. We’re so excited to start building this thing!

We’ve had a few discussions about it and decided that our tiny house project deserves to have it’s very own blog instead of trying to incorporate it on Living Chirpy. We’ve already started working on it and will definitely provide a link to it once it’s ready!

Low-Carb Cauliflower Creamed Spinach

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Yield: 4 side servings

Ingredients :
  •     5oz • baby spinach
  •     1 • small cauliflower head [cut into florets]
  •     1 • small onion [diced]
  •     1/2 cup • shredded mozzarella [plus a little more for on top]
  •     2 tbsp • cream
  •     1 tbsp • butter [plus a little more for sauteing the onion]
  •     1/2 tsp • nutmeg
  •     pinch of ground cloves
  •     salt and pepper

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